Waveguard Qi-enheter - Studier
Ett flertal studier har utförts för att undersöka effektiviteten hos Waveguards Qi-enheter. Nedan kan ni ta del av en del av de studier som släppts hittills. Materialet presenteras på engelska.
Waveguard Studier:
- Final report effects of the device qi-shield a neurophysiological and psychological study to evaluate the effects of the device qi-shield
- Test report: neutralisation of mobile phone radiation by qi-shield” examinations with cultured connective tissue fibroblasts
- Test report: beneficial effects of water after enrichment with electrons by qi-home cell” – investigations with cultured cells
- Summary report on testing protective influence on human organism against wireless router radiation for the product qi-shield
- Summary report on testing protective influence on germinating bean seeds (phaseolus vulgaris) against wireless router radiation for the product qi-shield
- Test report and certificate on the effect of the product «qi-home cell» in a magnetic field with geopathic distortion and upon water
- Protective effect of qi-shield on the regeneration of cultured connective tissue fibroblasts after mobile phone radiation – a study using continuous monitoring by video micrography
It should be noted that these proofs are specific to each individual. Due to the uniqueness of each person, the effects experienced may also vary. The experiments conducted aim to provide a qualitative assessment of the effectiveness of Qi technology. It is important to recognize that the results of the studies may not necessarily reflect the individual experiences of each person, and their results may differ.
Effects of the device Qi-Shield
Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO
July 2021
A neurophysiological and psychological study to evaluate the effects of a lifestyle product
The Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO collaborates with companies, public-sector bodies, and institutions to devise strategies, business models, and digital transformation solutions.
Between September 2020 and April 2021, Waveguard GmbH commissioned the Fraunhofer Institute IAO to conduct a scientific study on the psychological, psychophysiological, and neurophysiological effects of their product, Qi-Shield.
Currently, Waveguard is preparing a subsequent study to further investigate the results.
The results of the study can be viewed here:
- short summary of the study results
- full report of the study results in form of a presentation deck with the main findings on slide 97 and 99